Spring Song

In the morning, stillness came;
gentle as the crystal rain
falling to the ground again.
In the mist, The Mystery;
growing green, and wild, and free
sang Her Springtime song to me-

“Look!  Right here, upon the Earth;
Mother Nature giving birth.
All of life has equal worth.

Every miracle you see-
Every budding, blossoming tree.
Every creature; you and me.

All must join together now.
Lay your fear and weapons down.
Only then will peace be found.”

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Why Yoga?

You may be wondering why you should consider trying yoga or making it a regular part of your self-care routine.  Maybe you’ve never practiced before, or don’t think you’re strong enough or flexible enough.

Maybe you did try it and hated it.  Maybe you were uncomfortable the whole time…sweating and shaking, off-balance and feeling like you didn’t belong.  Maybe you had a teacher who made you feel like you weren’t doing it right. Maybe you injured yourself.

Maybe you think you’re not spiritual enough…or that that yoga is too spiritual for you.  Maybe you think yoga is a religion, or that it’s weird, or too “New Age.”

There are a lot of reasons people tell me they don’t like yoga or are afraid to try it.  In my experience (and opinion), however,  if someone had a negative experience with yoga, they probably haven’t met the right teacher or found the right style for them.

My goal is to give people a beautiful experience of yoga; one that allows them to feel comfortable and safe inside their own bodies and on their mat.  My hope is that students feel empowered to take responsibility for their own experience and their own happiness, in whatever posture their mind-body is in…regardless of varying degrees of physical strength, flexibility, spirituality or state of mind.

When we sink into the present moment, which mindful awareness offers us during yoga, we can connect to a truer, deeper, wiser part of ourselves that often leads to an experience of the Oneness of Life.  This is the essence of yoga…this sacred connection between mind, body, energy, emotions, and spirit.  I hope you’ll join me on this amazing journey!